One Girls View

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Wednesday, July 13, 2005

The big news last night on the 11 o'clock news was how a girl almost died on The Tower of Terror ride at MGM Studios in Walt Disney World. This is huge news since the little boy perished on the Mission Space Ride at Epcot a few months back. Here is my thought on this, because everyone is really quick to want to blame Disney. I don't blame them one bit. There have been several deaths at Disney in the many years it has been in operation. Out of those deaths, I believe only one of those was truly Disney's fault. The gentleman who played Pluto in the parade that was crushed by a float right before the parade started, yes that was their fault. The child that died on Mission Space is believed to have a preexisting heart condition that the ride triggered. The parent did not know about and neither did Disney. So, how could this be their fault. The ride received a thorough maintenance check and was given the all clear and the next day was open. Now I have never been on Mission Space, but I can tell you there are a bunch load of warnings before you even get to wait in line for the ride. Once in line they go over these same warning three times before you even get to the ride itself and once more right before entry. I pretty muched decided that anything with that many warnings being given to me that many times, might not be a ride for me. The mom of the boy who died (who was just tall enough to ride) made the decision for them to ride. This was not Disney's fault.

Now on to the news last night of the girl who went into cardiac arrest after riding The Tower of Terror at MGM. She rode the ride and when she got off she felt a little woozey and that is when she passed out and went into cardiac arrest. She was revived and taken to a local hospital where she is in critical condition. It was reported, however glimpsed over, that the girl had been ill all day prior to riding the ride. After the girl passed out, the ride was shut down and a full inspection was completed and the ride was given the all clear. The ride had nothing wrong with it. Again someone had a medical condition that was triggered by the ride. That is what all the warnings are for before you get on a ride. I do have sypathy for these families. I send a thousand prayers to them. I can not imagine how hard this has to be for them.

I think people should read the warnings before they get on a ride, make a conscious decision to ride it. If you know you have neck, back, heart condition, or are pregnant do not ride it. That is what the news story should be on. Not that Disney knowingly injured or killed another guest in their park. Truth is, millions of people enter their parks on a yearly basis, and I am surprised that more people have not been injured on rides. They have a better safety record then flying, driving, or riding a bike. Heck you could get struck by lightning before getting injured on a ride at a theme park. Well I think I spouted off enough on this subject. With continued hope, Mel


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