One Girls View

Here it goes, my views, what I think about whats going on in the world, and everyday run of the mill thoughts. Who knows this might become one of your fav places to visit on the internet!

Friday, August 12, 2005

Mean people suck! So the bumper sticker says, and I have to whole heartedly agree. I work with this lady who we will call "D", and she has too many issues to count. Her son is 26 years old and bi-polar, so she has to take care of him like he was still two which I am sure is rough in its own right. Then there is her white trash, wishes he was in a trailer park, unemployed, beer drinking loser of a man. She also has his mother living with them and his best friend from "back in the day" who was just coming visiting and then 6 months later never left. She has a lot on her plate, and I try my damnedest to listen to her complain and vent about her life. How do I get thanked for the hours of listening to her whine and complain about her life, she constantly berates me at work. Nothing is good for her. If she asks me to do something and heaven forbid it takes me a couple of hours to get it ask to her, she is standing at my desk with her hand out asking where it is and why it is taking so long. Lets not forget I am helping her out and have a ton of my own work to do. Apparently the last office manager they had was in charge of obtaining medical records for all of our clients. When I was hired they decided that the D and C would now become in charge of obtaining their clients medical records as my plate was full enough as it was as I took over up keep of the computers too. So whenever D asks me to help out with getting records, I always say yes, and when she stands there with her hand out an hour later she has to remind me that the person before me it was their job and she never has had to do it in the past and she only asks me to help when she is bogged down. She has this very cutting tone when she ays it and that makes you snap back and then she looks at you like she can't understand why you would snap at her. She has the who me complex. She just gets so mean and rude over the stupidest things and only gets that way to me, the only one who is still nice to her in the office. Here is another example. She had a huge fax come across and it used up all the paper in the fax. Then immediately after another fax came through, and the red light started flashing that indicates there is no paper left. Instead of just putting paper in the fax she calls me to the back and chastises me for their being no paper in the fax and tells me to fill it. I explained that I was busy and hadn't had a chance to go to the back and check but not a problem I would fill it. Knowing that she got a 38 page fax and the machine only holds 40 pages, she went to my boss and told him that I was not doing my job by not keeping paper in the fax. I then got called into his office and after explaining the situation he said that D didn't tell him that and he was sorry for wasting his and my time. Then she was making copies and used all the paper up, so instead of filling it she called me to the back to explain my job to me again. She was the one at the copy machine for 2 hours making copies. She was yelling at me for wasting her time, but doesn't it take more time to call and yell about the paper and waiting for me to fill it than just filling it yourself - AARRRGGGHHH! With continued hope - Mel.


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