One Girls View

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Tuesday, July 19, 2005

Here are some of my pics for TV shows, movies at the theater, and movies on DVD. What I am currently enjoying on TV right now is the reality show INXS on CBS, where they are trying to find the next lead singer of INXS. The majority of the singers are really talented vocally and also instrumentally. The only problem is this show is on three days a week, Monday, Tuesday, and Wednesday. On Monday is the actual reality portion of it showing them living in a house together and picking their competition songs. On Tuesday is the performance show and is the can't miss of the week. I am not a huge rock fan, but all the contestants put on great show. I must admit I am loving it even more that American Idol, these people have some real talent. On Wednesday is the vote off. The fans vote on Tuesday night and the lowest three go in front of INXS. They sing an INXS song of the bands choice. After all three have sang, INXS sends one of them packing. No long, drawn out half hour of cheesy jokes to fill the time before they let someone go. I really enjoy this program. Now for movies out at the theaters now. I just saw Wedding Crashers and it was the crude humor that you think it is going to be. It was great. I enjoyed it because who hasn't lied about who they are and what they do? Who hasn't thought about sneaking into a wedding they weren't invited to because it looked like a good time was going on inside? I admit sometimes they went for the childish humor, but I laughed really hard at some parts and that offset the stupid humor. I'd give it a 3 out of 5 stars. I also saw Charlie and the Chocolate Factory. I LOVED it. I am a huge Burton fan and this was very Burton. I almost forgot I was watching Johnny Depp at points. I do feel that some of the scenes in the movie were rushed, maybe because of budget, maybe because they felt kids wouldn't sit that long, who knows, but there were a couple of scenes that needed to be a little bit longer. I didn't miss the musical aspect of the original one bit. The Ompah Loompas still sang, but no one else did. I give it a 4 out of 5 stars! On DVD, I rented Coach Carter. I really enjoyed this movie. I wasn't sure I was going to like because of the been there seen that feel the previews had. Even though this story line has been played out this one seemed to have a fresh air about it. I would give it a 3 out of 5 stars. So those are my pics for must see TV, movies, and DVD's. Hope you enjoy them as much as I did! With continued hope - Mel.


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