One Girls View

Here it goes, my views, what I think about whats going on in the world, and everyday run of the mill thoughts. Who knows this might become one of your fav places to visit on the internet!

Wednesday, August 24, 2005

Sorry I have not posted in a while! Since taking on cheerleading, my free time has gotten less and less. Now the free time I had at work to post has been eaten up by having to type out schedules and other handouts for cheerleading. So on to the reason for my post today. Have you ever called it off with someone that you truly loved because you knew it was the right thing to do. Then after you did the reasons don't hold up anymore and for the life of you, you can't imagine why you ever called it off in the first place. Grant was that guy for me. We actually dated twice for a combined 4 years! When we broke up the first time it was all me. I started dating him when I was 17 years old and I was 20 when I broke it off. We never fought, but my heart wasn't completely there. I felt like I needed to experience life and make sure that he was the one by dating around for awhile. I guess that is just something we tell ourselves when we are younger that we have to or should do. Then two years later, I was going through a rough time, and I tried to remember when I was happiest and he popped into my mind. I called his old number and he answered it! We dated for another year. We took a vacation together and it all came back to me. I knew we were not right for each other and I explained to him that it was not fair of me to start things up again, when I knew deep down in my heart that it was not meant to be. He was nice about it, no angry words and we told each other to be happy in life and to never settle. He was my first and only true love I have ever had and as such I always look back on him with such fondness. Now the point of this long drawn out story. I was sitting in my television studies class last night. The semester just started and it was the first night. Nothing really exciting was hapining other that the fact I couldn't get over the fact that the professor looked like my friend DB with hair. They could be twins. Well it is an hour and a half into the lecture and we stop for a 10 minute break. All of a sudden there is someone standing to me right and I look up and it is Grant's best friend Craig. He is in my class. A rush of emotions come over me and all I can muster to say is "Uh, hey." We then went into the plesentries and he told me he has been married for three years and has no kids. I fessed up to still be single but I made it sound like it was by my choice and not lack of options. He then said that Grant had just gotten married on July 9th and that he was his best man. I think he knew I wanted to ask about him, but saved me from having to say the words. He also said that they have one baby and another on the way. My heart sank. I said that I was happy for him, which is 100% true. I wish him nothing but the best. I think the reason my heart sank so much is that I secretly always kept him in the back of my mind as a maybe. Maybe some day it would work out between us and maybe whatever was off the first two times would suddenly be right. So selfish I know! Anyways, the whole rest of the lecture was a complete blur for me. To top things off we were matched up into twos and Craig is my partner in the class. Nothing like twisting the knife right! With continued hope - Mel.


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