One Girls View

Here it goes, my views, what I think about whats going on in the world, and everyday run of the mill thoughts. Who knows this might become one of your fav places to visit on the internet!

Friday, July 15, 2005

I have been doing a lot of thinking about these dating websites where you go on and find the man or woman of your dreams. They are only a click away. Some give you your "matches" profiles by doing a search of people in your area, and some give you those who are most compatible to you, but in the end it is just one huge popularity contest, no matter which way you choose to be "matched" up. On the compatibility websites such as e-harmony or perfectmatch they give you people who are supposed to mesh well with your personality in a list form. You scroll through the profiles looking at the pictures first to see if you like their appearance, and then you look what kind of job they have and how much money that means they make. Finally if they pass that test, you read what they have to say in their written portion of their profile. Then the emailing and coordination of dates begins. On the search of your area websites such as match and lavalife you start off the same way by scrolling through the photos and such with the disadvantage of knowing if they are right for you or not. Then the emailing and dating begins. This all takes place if and only if the person you started emailing likes your profile when they look at it to decide if they are going to reply or not. I hear a lot of people discussing how they met the man or woman of their dreams on the internet and it was so much better than meeting someone in a bar. Now I have tried all of the websites and I have been to plenty of bars and let me just tell you in my opinion they are the same damn thing. There are really nice guys on these sites and there are guys just looking to get one thing, the same as bars. Everyone describes themselves way better than they actually are in their profiles the same way people do at bars. People are judging you on your looks and occupation, just as they do in bars. Am I telling you not to post on these sites......No, but what I am saying is do not think it is going to be easier or better than the bar scene. Its all just about the same, neither has worked yet for me, but that doesn't mean I am going to stop trying! With continued hope -Mel


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