One Girls View

Here it goes, my views, what I think about whats going on in the world, and everyday run of the mill thoughts. Who knows this might become one of your fav places to visit on the internet!

Thursday, August 25, 2005

Wow, dating rituals must have really changed since I first started going to college in 1997. This week I started the fall term at F.A.U. in Boca and I get out of work at 5pm but my class does not start until 7pm. So I eat dinner two nights a week in the cafeteria. I love to people watch. Yesterday I was sitting there and a guy and girl came and sat at the table next to mine. He was about 19 and had an athletic build, she was about the same age and slightly overweight. They had purchased their Quizno's subs and were eating. Shortly after they sat down, I realized that they were on a first date getting some dinner. I guess when you live on campus and don't have a car, it sounds perfectly logical to have your first date in the cafeteria. Now as a women slightly overweight whenever I have dinner with anybody and especially on a first date, I eat very dainty and order slightly less than I would typically order. Not this girl. She dove right into her sub and then committed the worst offense EVER, she started talking with her mouth full of food. The guy could do nothing but stare at her. She then asked him (with her mouth full) why he wasn't eating because she was "hungray" (that's what it sounded like). As they were there eating they started talking about sex. How you can feel comfy talking about sex with someone you are on a first date with while food is in your mouth is beyond me. The sex talk was more on the caliber of the "freaky" things they have done while "getting the groove on". Now they have finished eating and they are still talking about sex (25 minutes now), and he suggests going back to his dorm room before his roommate gets out of class, and she says she is "down with that", and just like that they were gone. No drinks needed to be bought, no awkward is he going to kiss me, and no real time getting to know each other a little bit better. The last thing I heard her say was that since they were "going to get their groove on and get freaky" she needed to at least know his last name. OMG! I was floored! Who moves that fast. They were sitting at the table for about 35 minutes, that's it! I couldn't believe the conversation I had just heard. It just made me thank my lucky stars that I am no longer 19 and don't have to compete with a two bit slut like her! With continued hope - Mel.


At 10:06 AM, Blogger Daniel Vickers said...

That's right honey. You're a 3-bit slut!

Seriously, what has happened to our youth? I'm telling you, it's the Pimping of America.


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