One Girls View

Here it goes, my views, what I think about whats going on in the world, and everyday run of the mill thoughts. Who knows this might become one of your fav places to visit on the internet!

Tuesday, August 30, 2005

Well back to normal her in Sunny SFLA. We were spared much of Katrina's wrath which was very good. My heart goes out to Mississippi and Louisiana. Dealing with my fair share of hurricanes, including Andrew, I still can not imagine what they are going through right now. I just can't believe so many people that lived on the coast stayed and did not evacuate. Some said it was because they had survived Camielle (which by the way killed 255 people), some said they had no were to go (there were shelters), and some said they just didn't think it would be that bad. It was packing sustained winds at 175 mph at one point! With Hurricane season getting more intense I hope this a wake up call to everyone that if a storm is threatening your area, get out! People won't though, after a few years they get complacent. Look at Homestead in South Florida. Andrew was supposed to be a Broward storm and ended up completely destroying the town. They just finished getting rebuilt 2 years ago, and Andrew happened 13 years ago. Katrina was a mere category one headed for Broward, and it ended up heading south and put Homestead under a two feet of water. They said they didn't think a cat one could do so much damage. Next time they said they would be prepared, but wasn't this next time? My point, people never learn, and won't change when facing the same situation. In addition, my prayers and thoughts go out to all those effected by Katrina. With continued hope - Mel.


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