One Girls View

Here it goes, my views, what I think about whats going on in the world, and everyday run of the mill thoughts. Who knows this might become one of your fav places to visit on the internet!

Monday, October 17, 2005

Some women are just Bitches. They are bitches in every sense that the word implies. I work with this lady "D". I believe I may have mentioned her before. She exemplifies all that Bitchness encompasses. She could have just received a 40 page fax that used up the last of the paper in the fax machine and she will call me to the back to refill it and then yell at me that I was not doing my job correctly because there is no paper in the fax machine. She yells about everything, she yells at me all the time even though she is NOT my boss! She bad mouths everyone in the office, loud enough so that person can hear and then expects you to comment on what she just said. What set me off today was not the fact that she ate the rest of the pretzels and wanted to know why I did not buy more on my lunch break (I order them from office depot in which I place an order once a week), that "C" didn't open a file correctly and she proceeded to yell at the top of her lungs that if she slept with the boss like "C" does them maybe she could slack on her job too, or even the fact that she yelled at me because I requested a day off of work and she feels I have missed plenty of work this year and don't need anymore time off. No not all of that set me off. What set me off is I brought in this cute Halloween decoration that I got at Hallmark two years ago. It is a spooky house that has little ornaments that hang off of it, ghosts, bats, witch, skeleton, black cat, and pumpkins. Now "D" was off Thursday and Friday last week when I put it up. In those two days, the three attorneys, two paralegals, cleaning lady, and countless clients have all looked at it and pressed the door knob to hear the spooky sounds. "D" noticed it and came to get a better look after a client was going on how cute it is, and pressed the button on it ten times. On her last time, she swung her hand around and knocked it off of the desk sending it crashing on the hard marble flooring. Most of it was still intact but the pumpkins had broken into three pieces. So what does "D" do about this situation, she says "Oh well, it was a cute decoration." Then she walks away!!!! No sorry, no can I help you pick that up, no let me try and super glue that for you, and no let me see if I can replace that for you. So I stop her and tell her that when you break something that is not yours you are supposed to apologize. She said that when the main attorney gets off of the phone she will say it to him. I told her that it wasn't the companies it was my own personal decorations, she replied with "Well, that will teach you that you should not bring your personal stuff to work!" Still no sorry. She wants to take the week of Thanksgiving off, just to piss her off I am half tempted to walk in and request it now to beat her to the punch, ruin her vacation and then not say sorry. I won't, but I should. With continued hope - Mel.

Tuesday, October 11, 2005

I had to call the management office of the building I work in today and request that they change out some lightbulbs, and I speak to Harriet the new lady downstairs. In the course of a 3 minutes conversation she called me "Hun" about 5 times. I thought this was a bit much and it is one of my pet peeves, but I brushed it off to that is just this unprofessional woman and left it at that. Then about an hour lady I get a call from one of the legal assistance for another firm and she calls me "Hun" twice during our 5 minute phone call. Then about 15 minutes later a different legal assistant called and gave me a "Hun" for the road. What is it with these women calling other women Hun. I feel it is extremely unprofessional and on top of that why would you call anyone "Hun" when you do not even know them. I just needed to vent about that!

Thursday, October 06, 2005

Last night was the return of Hockey, so I decided today would be my return to Blogging! Speaking of hockey I went to the game last night and Panthers won! Woo Hoo! When we pulled up to the arena we noticed how many cars were turning into the handicap entrance. We parked and walked up the walkway towards the entrance. You have to walk past the handicap parking to get to the entrance. Since when did being obese grant you up close parking. There were so many extremely large people getting out of there cars and the only thing wrong with them was that they were large. No other handicap. This really pissed me off when I noticed that the lot for handicap parking was full and a gentleman had pulled up in a van that was carrying two kids in wheelchair's and now he had to park in the regular parking, far from the entrance. Now I am no skinny Minnie, but being large is not a handicap. We then go inside and we sit in our seats, when a very large mother and son sit down. So I know the argument that some large people can't help being big, because of these two examples. I have a cousin that is on a competitive ski team and has rode her bike several times from PA to DC over 300 miles! Now she is a bigger women, about 200lbs. She is still this big even though she is more active than anyone I know, but even though she is naturally big, she has never used it as a handicap. The second is myself. I coach cheerleading, ride my bike 10 miles three times a week, walk about 4 miles twice a week, and swim laps once a week. Even with all this exercise I still weigh 160 and I watch what I eat, I have never used this as a handicap. Now back to the women and her son that sat in front of me. When they sat down they were breathing so hard that I thought I was going to have to call the paramedic for them. In the first period of the game they both each ate a hotdog, a personal pan pizza, and a pretzel. They washed that down with the largest coke they had at the arena. After the intermission the came back to their seats, wheezing harder then before. They now each had a cookie (very large Otis S. Kind), shared a tub of popcorn, shared a bag of peanuts and washed it down with two more extra large sodas. Now it the end of the second intermission and I can hear her talking to the usher of the section. She is explaining that she doesn't feel that she can make it back up the stairs to her seat - three rows up, about 10 steps - can she please just sit in the handicap seats that are at the bottom of the section. Now there were two available and the usher said yes, but what pissed me off is that when they sat down, the each had another pizza and the 3 foot twizzler that the sell there and washed it down with another extra large coke. Just because you are large you are not handicapped. And just because you are lazy, you are not handicapped. So what if you can exercise and never loss weight keep it up so that you can walk from the regular lot to the entrance, and you can go up the 10 steps to get to your seat. With continues hope - Mel.