One Girls View

Here it goes, my views, what I think about whats going on in the world, and everyday run of the mill thoughts. Who knows this might become one of your fav places to visit on the internet!

Wednesday, December 07, 2005

Ahhh, the elevators in my building that I work at are one of my favorite places. I never know what type of person I will ride the elevator with and since I work on the top floor, I always ride with someone. Sometimes I get lucky and the person is like me and just stares ahead or watches the floor flash on the display, sometimes the person wants to bitch about how long it took the elevator to get there, sometimes after lunch people all make the same stupid ass remark about the 4 coffees I have in my hands from Starbucks for the office, and sometimes I just get the loons. Today was chuck full of the loons. On my way up in the morning I rode the elevator with a man that told me the law office I work for sucks. When I asked him why he would say that, he commented about how we turned his case down against a cruise ship. I said I was sorry for that. He then informed me that what we thought was a shitty case another lawyer took, and he got $600,000. I said good for you, and he told me thanks, but I still suck! I returned with a thank you, I try. Now it is time to go back down the elevators for lunch. I usually leave at 11:50, but I got a late start and left right at 12. We stopped on every floor. This wouldn't have been so bad, but the elderly man that got on, on the 10th floor, kept farting the whole way down. I think he shit his pants it smelt so bad. Now my lunch was ruined. After some retail therapy and a slice a pizza I was back at the office waiting on an elevator to take me back to the 11th floor. As I waited a lady came up to me and was complaing that the Monorah was at the back entrance and the Christmas - whoops strike that Holiday tree was at the main entrance. (I was told it was no longer PC to say Christmas, to that I say what the fuck! Thats what it is! Christmas, celebrating Christ!) I explained to the women that she should take it up with management. We get on the elevator and the whole way up, she yells at me for being a bible thumper, Bush lover. I said nothing as I am to tired to fight, so I just let her keep going all the way to the 9th floor. Can't wait to ride the elevator back down to go home. With continued hope - Mel.


At 4:27 PM, Blogger MrManuel said...

The worst part of riding elevators is when people stink. Being in a compact area like that makes you want to puke as you mentioned it did with farting man. I often wonder if they know they stink. I guess they don't or they would do something about it. I try not to talk to people in elevators. Idle chit chat to pass off a few seconds bugs me. Elevators, in lines, whatever. I don't want to hear it. That lady that was complaining to you about something you have no control over needed to be slapped.


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