One Girls View

Here it goes, my views, what I think about whats going on in the world, and everyday run of the mill thoughts. Who knows this might become one of your fav places to visit on the internet!

Thursday, November 10, 2005

I can not believe she did it again! It was about 10am today and I hear the coffee grounder start. Now "D" from time to time will make a second pot of coffee around 10 if she didn't have a chance to get a second cup so I thought nothing of it. That is until I hear "C" yelling "Oh No, Not Again!!!" yes she managed to put way, way too many grounds in the coffee maker and flooded it out again. Now since the last debacle when she broke the coffee maker and microwave we had a lesson on how to make coffee with the new coffee pot. Since she felt comfortable she decided that she was going to make the 2nd pot today. Now the new coffee maker I bought has a kill switch, which was part of me and "C's" lesson, but she panicked and just started yelling. I ran back there hit the kill switch, but it was too late. There was coffee all over the place. It had ran off of the counter and on to the floor. As I turn around after getting it to stop, she just looked at me put her head down and walked back to her desk, mumbling something about how she could not believe she did it again. Luckily for me this time nothing was going on in the microwave and I did not get electrocuted. It did however, take me damn near an hour to clean up the mess. There were coffee grounds in all the small little crevices. Now, I smell like I work at Starbucks, and my white and black shoes now have brown as a color on them too. Lets hope I can clean them up or I will really be pissed! You don't ever mess with a women's shoe! As I was walking back to my desk she gave me that little lost dog look kids get, I wanted to give her the middle finger, but instead I just rolled my eyes and kept walking. Now I truly pray that she just sticks with getting the mail from time to time! With continued hope - Mel.


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