One Girls View

Here it goes, my views, what I think about whats going on in the world, and everyday run of the mill thoughts. Who knows this might become one of your fav places to visit on the internet!

Friday, November 11, 2005

Just when I thought "C" was done with messing with kitchen appliances, she strikes again. For the 2nd time in two days she has managed to make a mess of things when using a kitchen appliance. Today's appliance of choice, the microwave! Now "C" blew out the last microwave we had during the 1st incident with making coffee. My boss had a microwave in his garage so he brought that in instead of purchasing a new one. The problem was that the microwave was so old that if you let it run for more than 3 minutes it caused a short in the electrical system in the break room. There was a big note taped to the microwave and a memo went out to all regarding this. Well today "C" had a lean Cuisine today and decided that she would "chance it" by pressing 4 minutes. Well lets just say don't ever take "C" to Vegas with you, the whole electrical system went in not only the break room but the whole office as well. We lost computers, phones, fax, copy machine, everything. Well the management office came to fix the problem it took them over an hour to get everything up and running. So now the microwave is unplugged and sitting with the "basura" or trash sticker on it waiting for the cleaning lady to come tonight and throw it out. "C" just kept repeating that she could not believe she had two appliance catastrophe's happen two days in a row. I just smiled but in my head I wanted to say because you are a domesticated moran! I did however ask her how she manages at home in her own kitchen. She replied that the only appliances she uses is her microwave and refridgerator. When I inquired about the brand new remodeled kitchen complete with the ultimate chef kitchen with the really expensive cook top and double stove, she replied that she just liked the look and that she never turned any of it on. She has lived in her place for over a year. Stick with the mail, I say, stick with the mail! With continued hope - Mel.


At 6:58 PM, Blogger MrManuel said...

Don't let this person ever cook for you...


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