One Girls View

Here it goes, my views, what I think about whats going on in the world, and everyday run of the mill thoughts. Who knows this might become one of your fav places to visit on the internet!

Tuesday, October 11, 2005

I had to call the management office of the building I work in today and request that they change out some lightbulbs, and I speak to Harriet the new lady downstairs. In the course of a 3 minutes conversation she called me "Hun" about 5 times. I thought this was a bit much and it is one of my pet peeves, but I brushed it off to that is just this unprofessional woman and left it at that. Then about an hour lady I get a call from one of the legal assistance for another firm and she calls me "Hun" twice during our 5 minute phone call. Then about 15 minutes later a different legal assistant called and gave me a "Hun" for the road. What is it with these women calling other women Hun. I feel it is extremely unprofessional and on top of that why would you call anyone "Hun" when you do not even know them. I just needed to vent about that!


At 8:33 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

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At 9:41 PM, Blogger MrManuel said...

Don't you hate spam on your site? I get it too. Anyways, this very isue was brought up at a sexual harrassment workshop at my work. Bottom line, it is sexual harrassment when someone calls you that. Now, I don't know how many people would call someone on it, but those are the facts.


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