One Girls View

Here it goes, my views, what I think about whats going on in the world, and everyday run of the mill thoughts. Who knows this might become one of your fav places to visit on the internet!

Tuesday, November 22, 2005

I just got back from a fabulous trip to Washington DC visiting Daniel and DB and attending their wonderful Prethanksgiving Dinner. I have never ate so much good food in my life! On Friday I flew out of Ft. Lauderdale on Spirit to DCA. I got there in plenty of time and when I went to check in the lady informed me that there was a seat available in 1st class for $25 and asked if I wanted it. Well you get to get on the plane first and I was in the 1st row. You really get to hear all the flight attendants gossip when you sit up there. Well most of the people were seated and this lady comes on the plane. I hear "Excuse Me, Madam, excuse me." The lady just kept walking to her seat which was 4 rows back from mine. The flight attendant told her that she could not take one of her carry ons on the plane because she already exceeded the limit and she would have to check that bag. The lady then proceeded to tell the flight attendant no that she had to keep the bag with her. After three go arounds with this lady the flight attendant called security, kicked the lady off of the plane and informed her that not only could she never fly Spirit again, they were going to put her on the antiterrorism list or no-fly list. I was shocked at this whole thing. What was in that ladies bag that she did not want to give it up? Why was she so uncooperative? Why did the flight attendant have to yell all of that out in front of all the passengers? It was a good thing I was in 1st class because I needed a drink and the new flight attendant was more than happy to give me one. I told the story to Daniel and DB and we decided that the anti-terrorist list should just be called what it really is the countries "Shit List" because that is what it really is, a shit list. On my way back into Ft. Lauderdale I sat next to a mom and her son, whom she couldn't control. I have decided that for the annoyance of me and those around me I am adding her to the "Shit List". With continued hope - Mel.

Friday, November 11, 2005

Just when I thought "C" was done with messing with kitchen appliances, she strikes again. For the 2nd time in two days she has managed to make a mess of things when using a kitchen appliance. Today's appliance of choice, the microwave! Now "C" blew out the last microwave we had during the 1st incident with making coffee. My boss had a microwave in his garage so he brought that in instead of purchasing a new one. The problem was that the microwave was so old that if you let it run for more than 3 minutes it caused a short in the electrical system in the break room. There was a big note taped to the microwave and a memo went out to all regarding this. Well today "C" had a lean Cuisine today and decided that she would "chance it" by pressing 4 minutes. Well lets just say don't ever take "C" to Vegas with you, the whole electrical system went in not only the break room but the whole office as well. We lost computers, phones, fax, copy machine, everything. Well the management office came to fix the problem it took them over an hour to get everything up and running. So now the microwave is unplugged and sitting with the "basura" or trash sticker on it waiting for the cleaning lady to come tonight and throw it out. "C" just kept repeating that she could not believe she had two appliance catastrophe's happen two days in a row. I just smiled but in my head I wanted to say because you are a domesticated moran! I did however ask her how she manages at home in her own kitchen. She replied that the only appliances she uses is her microwave and refridgerator. When I inquired about the brand new remodeled kitchen complete with the ultimate chef kitchen with the really expensive cook top and double stove, she replied that she just liked the look and that she never turned any of it on. She has lived in her place for over a year. Stick with the mail, I say, stick with the mail! With continued hope - Mel.

Thursday, November 10, 2005

I can not believe she did it again! It was about 10am today and I hear the coffee grounder start. Now "D" from time to time will make a second pot of coffee around 10 if she didn't have a chance to get a second cup so I thought nothing of it. That is until I hear "C" yelling "Oh No, Not Again!!!" yes she managed to put way, way too many grounds in the coffee maker and flooded it out again. Now since the last debacle when she broke the coffee maker and microwave we had a lesson on how to make coffee with the new coffee pot. Since she felt comfortable she decided that she was going to make the 2nd pot today. Now the new coffee maker I bought has a kill switch, which was part of me and "C's" lesson, but she panicked and just started yelling. I ran back there hit the kill switch, but it was too late. There was coffee all over the place. It had ran off of the counter and on to the floor. As I turn around after getting it to stop, she just looked at me put her head down and walked back to her desk, mumbling something about how she could not believe she did it again. Luckily for me this time nothing was going on in the microwave and I did not get electrocuted. It did however, take me damn near an hour to clean up the mess. There were coffee grounds in all the small little crevices. Now, I smell like I work at Starbucks, and my white and black shoes now have brown as a color on them too. Lets hope I can clean them up or I will really be pissed! You don't ever mess with a women's shoe! As I was walking back to my desk she gave me that little lost dog look kids get, I wanted to give her the middle finger, but instead I just rolled my eyes and kept walking. Now I truly pray that she just sticks with getting the mail from time to time! With continued hope - Mel.

Wednesday, November 09, 2005

I just wanted to tell everyone about a great movie I saw this past weekend. I went to see Shopgirl with Clare Danes and Steve Martin. It was fantastic. Claire Danes better be nominated for an Oscar! I can not say enough good things about this movie. The plot was very realistic to today's life. I can say I saw much of myself in the main character. Steve Martin's role was a nice break from the Cheaper by the dozen crap he has been doing lately (although I did think Cheaper was cute!). Anyhow if you have $10 to spare and 2 hours to kill take a trip to your local cinaplex and watch the picture Shopgirl! With continued hope - Mel.

Wednesday, November 02, 2005

Damn Wilma, damn her all to hell! She stole my running water, took away my electric, used the last of my propane, and the worst of all, kept me from watching my favorite television shows. Damn her all to hell! In the 9 days since Hurricane Wilma I have managed to get all the luxuries of home back but she has made daily life chores a bitch. My commute to work usually takes 30 minutes in the morning and 30-45 minutes in the evening depending on traffic. Since returning to work Monday it takes 1 hour to 1 1/2 hours to get to work and 2 hours to get home. I spend three hours of my day stuck in traffic, because South Floridians have yet to master the 4 way stop. Only 18% of the traffic lights work in the tri-county area. Today it was announced that due to the many missing lights and the fact the main grid was destroyed I am looking at two to three more months of hellish driving totures. It is enough to make you drink! What am I kidding like I need an excuse! Back to Wilma, the kiddies have been out of school now for their second week and they are up to no good. I filled my tank up with gas last night and this morning I had less that 1/4 a tank of gas. The little rat bastards think it is funny to steal the gas out of the cars. 10 of us were hit. Tonight I think I will stay up late and catch the little asshole in the act. A night in juvey might do them some good. Then there is the fact that I pay to go to school and I am missing two classes for two weeks. This sucks! Now I have to manage to make that up in the course of three weeks before the final. Well enough with the bitching, I am sure it could be worse, and don;t think that I don't know it. Poor New Orleans, at least we were not hit like that. Well on to other things to get pissy over! With continues hope - Mel.